Monday, September 12, 2005

Our childrens minds are numbed.

The other night I was out on a walk with media samurai. We stopped in at the local 7-Eleven for a drink and munchies. While waiting in line we noticed these two young girls of 11 or so standing behind us. They were giggling as children should. They were buying candy and junk for their apparent last sleepover of the summer. Back to the books.

They began oogling. No, not us! A rack of small vials on the counter labeled simply "Power Shot". These tiny containers of multicolored fluid are situated as an impulse buy, not immediately or apparently marketed to children, until you see the small comparison graph on the front. It is detailing the caffeine content graphically comparing Cola, Jolt, Tea, and Coffee. This one ounce bottle had at least ten times the caffeine content as any of them.

The girls each grabbed their favorite color. They then proceeded to ask the sales clerk, "Do you have to 18 to buy these." Saying this implies their thought that there may be regulations regarding the use of such a product, so in turn showing there knowledge of possible harm. Since there was no regulation the sales lady says simply "No there isn't, I don't care, as long as you have money I will sell it to you."

Now, these girls where obviously going to use it as more of a mood enhancement product rather, then its (supposed) intended use (making you more alert). So being our nosey selves MS pipes in "Are you not concerned of what you are putting in you body?" And almost over this they said, "We don't care." with an embarrassed chuckle.

Right there three people actually uttered the words "I don't care" regarding their own or fellow mans health. I can honestly say I am angered they were able to purchase this product. Not because the product should not be. But because their behavior showed an interest in the possible legalities surrounding the purchase and therefore shows there disregard of common sense for a more, if I am ALLOWED to eat it, it must not be poison attitude.

Those children are heading to a world of High school where they will be offered all types of mood enhancers. There is no one there to say they are not allowed.

It is not a problem to consume various things, but to no CARE what it does to you, is a horrible place.Care in yourself and keep yourself safe. In the end you can really only count on Numero uno.

Then again, the circle continues.

1 comment:

Robin Alexa said...

Totally wrong. Some people suck a lot. Others are very cool. I guess that's life.

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