Monday, November 28, 2005

I have a feeling something’s fishy.

Seldom do I feel this knot in my stomach when nothing is amiss.  I have a great intuitive gland.  My brain lets me in on secrets inside others.  Brain matter is a funny thing.  A complex system of circuits and sensors designed to do nothing be fed stimuli and respond to it.

Brain waves are slightly radioactive and can be picked up from outside the cranium.  So my brain is obviously more sensitive to the activity than others because at times I can see through the sham and almost hear the inner dialogue contained.

"Hi Dragko"  Translates to. " I hope you die."

"It's cold eh?"  to "Your shirt is all baggy and gross and I think you look like a looser moron."

"Do you like this new shirt?"  to "I am extremely insecure and I hope by spinning this way my ass will look nice in your face, and then hopefully you will comment and I will turn and grab you and we will roll around on this chair until you are all sweaty and stuff."

You see what I mean all very simple.  Open up and you too will have this insane and wonderful power.


digi said...

Well... insane anyways. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Beliefs that are not backed up by reality. They may remain despite obvious evidence to the contrary, and the fact that nobody else believes them to be true.

[].ragko said...

Hrmmm Mr/Mrs Anonymous what you say is true. But when one is scared to release there identity it really bleeds away the credibility. :)

Robin Alexa said...


La Figlia Che Piange said...

What I want to know iss, iss Dragko your real name and iss your hair like that all the time?

binsk- im notta witch, re.

[].ragko said...

No Dragko is not my real name. It is an old nick from the day.

As far as my hair it is OFTEN like that. But it changes color frequently.

Right now Red and black....

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