Friday, June 03, 2005

Nipple-negating technology declares war on female breasts

The war is on, political correctness goes after really the only natural feature remaining on the average female performers body. I can not understand why having unaturally large breasts due to augmentation is ok but those darn nipples might offend.

You know what I am getting a nipple tattooed on my forhead. A big one! Maybe all perked up and erect. Censor that fuck face. Oh an I am sorry for the disturbing picture in the story it is not my fault. Lets get Leonard Decaprio to duct tape his nut sack back it has always offended me.
Nipple-negating technology declares war on female breasts

1 comment:

digi said...

My god. This is awesome.

So... if a woman had her nipples removed and sewn up smooth - could she walk around topless?

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