Wednesday, July 27, 2005

This is not a test.

In my travels around blogger, I have noticed that a lot of people sit with their blogs in a sorry state. I am not saying mine is incredible
but come on, leaving your links with nothing more than a bunch of links saying edit me?

What about test posts why do people start their blogging with a test post. I tested that's for sure but I deleted. Your first post is always a difficult one "What to say?" A great example of this is the Matt Kennedy show. Matt ask me and I will help. I will make your link area work. You must have SOMETHING interesting to put there.

Anyway I needed a rant I guess, and there it was.



[].ragko said...
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[].ragko said...

Time to rock it from the delta to the DMZ. What is a DMZ? Sounds like something out of the wizard of Oz. "Oh no don't go in there...."

digi said...

"...from the Delta to the DMZ" is a Vietnam war term. I'm unsure what the delta is named but DMZ is de-militarized zone.

digi said...

So the area of the delta to the DMZ is the area controlled by the U.S. during the war.

[].ragko said...

Thanks we were merely reciting quotes from Good morning vietnam. But thanks for the interesting facts (which I am quite aware of) :)

digi said...

you the man!

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